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Wir setzen Ideen mit Begeisterung und zeitnah in die Tat um.
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Wir nehmen uns auch gern behutsamen und wohl überlegten Anpassungen Ihrer Marke an.
Wir gestalten Ihre Kommunikationsmittel für den Geschäftsalltag.
Wir entwickeln Ihre Digitale und Print-Marketingkampagne.
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// Design
"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels, ... it relates to a most personal and abstract emotion - the sincerity of intention and honesty of spirit."
Jacqueline discovered the fascination for abstract photography while working in Chicago. It started when she attempted to capture the structure and reflecting surfaces of Chicago’s Thompson Center designed by the well-known German architect Helmut Jahn. Since then Jacqueline is exploring the historical epochs of photography, experimenting with unique, visionary effects of photograms, the subjective perception of structural compositions as well as miraculous instants of nature and human and its infinite beauty. Her journey to explore light, structure, and forms leaves freedom to the fantasy. It is her objective to activate the forms of perception: imagination, emotion, memory, association, and sensation. Jacqueline completed ACE's in Color Theory and Graphic Design at the School of the Art Institute Chicago. Previously she completed the National Geographic Master's of Photography. Jacqueline graduated with a Master's degree in Business Administration specialising in Organisation and Business Information from the University of Applied Sciences Munich. Beside photography, Jacqueline is a trusted HR Advisor providing Executive Search and Leadership Solutions across a wide variety of industries with a global reach. |